A scathing report from Toronto's Auditor General, who found some snow clearing companies who may have been ripping off taxpayers, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.
The Auditor General reviewed the Winter Road Maintenance Program.
The report shows the city overpayed $7.1 million over the last five years for work that was never done.
She also estimates $24 million was spent on standby payments, at the same time the contractors were being paid for work actually being done.
And the AG says the city dropped the ball in keeping track of things, by properly using a GPS.
As a matter of fact, 27% of the GPS units in plow trucks, weren't even working when tested.
"With two years remaining in the current contract cycle, there is a potential saving of an estimated $9.6 million if the express terms of the standby provisions of the contract are applied and depending on legal advice," she says in the report.
The city budgets $90 million a year for winter road maintenance.