Because of the holiday, we get two days of COVID-19 numbers to break down for you.
Provincial health officials are reporting 746 new cases of COVID-19 today, which is down slightly from the 807 new cases yesterday.
Toronto is reporting 311 new cases today, while Peel Region has 135 new infections, York Region has 42 and Halton Region has 29 new cases.
55% of the new cases have come in people 40 and younger, while 15% of the new cases have come in people aged 60 and older.
Combined for the two days, a little more than 67,700 tests were completed, with only 31,200 completed yesterday. That means the percent of tests coming back positive is now up to 2.3%. Back in April, the percent of people testing positive was 5.2%. Through the summer, around 1% of the tests were coming back positive.
The number of active cases is now at an all-time high with 5,946 in the province. The highest number of active cases we had in the spring was 5,675 on April 25th.
Nine new deaths have been reported today, which is the highest one-day total since July 17th. Seven of those nine deaths came in people who are 80-years-old or older.
The number of people in hospital is now up to 230, which is an increase of 27 compared to yesterday. That's the highest total since June 29th, but is far off the all-time high of 1,043, back on May 5th.
The number of people in ICU is now up to 60, which is an increase of seven compared to yesterday, but well below the high of 264 on April 9th.
The number of people on ventilators is up to 34, which is an increase of four.