Ontario is reporting 1,487 new cases of COVID-19 today, which is up from yesterday, and also higher than the seven day average of 1,408 coming into today.
With nearly 33,400 tests completed, the percent of tests coming back positive, according to the province, is 4.1%. Up a little from yesterday when it was 3.8%.
Toronto is reporting the most new cases in the province with 508, Peel Region has 392 new cases and York Region has 170 new infections. Durham Region is reporting 45 new cases, Halton Region has 46 new infections and Waterloo is spiking a little with 67 new cases.
10 new deaths reported in the province, with four of those in long term care settings. Sadly, Ontario is now averaging 18 new deaths a day, for the last week.
The number of active cases continues to rise, meaning the number of people getting sick, is higher than the number of people getting better. There's now 12,830 people currently infected with COVID-19 in the province. Back on August 13th, it was 891.
The number of people in hospital is up by 20 to 500. The number of people in ICU rose by seven to 125 and the number of people on ventilators was up by three to 70.