Ontario is reporting 4,249 new cases of COVID-19 today however, the number comes with an asterisk.
The province says due to a data upload delay by Toronto Public Health, approximately 450 additional cases have been included in today's count, mainly from January 5th and 6th.
It means Toronto's number is higher today at 1,382. There were 691 cases in Peel Region, 427 in York and 170 in Durham.
A record, 71,481 tests were completed. The province says 6.2 percent came back positive.
26 more families have lost a loved one to COVID-19.
24 of the deaths were in people aged 60 and older. There was one new death in the 20-39 age group and another in the 40-59 age group.
The number of patients in the ICU is a new record for the third day in a row at 369, up from 363 yesterday.
The number of people on ventilators is 250 compared to 242 yesterday.
The number in hospital is 1,446 compared to 1,472 yesterday.
Nearly 15,000 more vaccine doses were administered, for a total of 87,563.