Business at city hall might be running a little more smoothly.
A new research report suggests Mayor John Tory seems to be making good on his election campaign promise to get his council colleagues to 'play nice.'
The number-crunching by researchers with The Manning Centre also finds that council meeting attendance is up slightly since Rob Ford was Mayor; a 3 percent improvement, to 88 percent -- but that still means an average up up to 6 councillors are missing in action.
City hall records indicate that while the 70 percent rate at which Mayor Tory is on the winning side of council votes is relatively lower than other city mayors, it is much higher than Mayor Ford's 60 percent rate during the previous term of council.
Data from city hall also shows that the vast majority of votes pass in council, even though debates tend to be longer than they were during Ford's days in the Mayor's office.
At roughly the mid-way point through Tory's 4-year term as Mayor, City Council has put on 19 meetings over 132 sessions. They've last just under 300 hours -- an average 2 hours and 11 minutes per session.