Ontario prosecutors want a Toronto man who tried to join Islamic State militants in Syria to be sentenced to six years behind bars.
Pamir Hakimzadah, 29, pleaded guilty in early February to one count of leaving Canada to participate in a terrorist activity.
At a sentencing hearing taking place today, Crown lawyer Christopher Walsh says the court has no insight into how Hakimzadah became radicalized and is dubious of a plan from the defence for their client's de-radicalization.
Court heard Hakimzadah left Toronto in October 2014 and flew to Istanbul with the goal of finding a way into Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
He was turned in to authorities by a taxi driver in Turkey who suspected Hakimzadah wanted to join the terrorist group, and was sent back to Canada where he was later turned in by a family member.
Hakimzadah admitted he viewed Islamic State militant propaganda videos online and became sympathetic to their viewpoint.