Recently heard robocalls have lead to speculation that Doug Ford may be gearing up for a mayoral run in 2018.
The calls invite residents to a town hall meeting on Monday to be hosted by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti and himself to discuss "the rise in taxes under Tory."
Ford was on CP24 Saturday where he dodged the question of if he will throw his hat in the ring in favour of talk tough against Mayor John Tory.
"The reason we are going to this meeting is that no one is holding John Tory accountable. Where are all the councillors? No one out there is holding him to account." Ford said.
Adding "People elected John Tory but this isn’t the person they thought they were electing. He is a typical politician that is continuing to look to gouge the little guy. He has not done one thing to find efficiencies."
Ford was asked several times if he was declaring his candidacy for mayor in the end saying "Just hang in there, I'm always there for the little guy."
With files from CP24