There's a new twist in the story of one of the Toronto region's most notorious impaired drivers.
Civil court papers filed on behalf of convicted killer Marco Muzzo argue that the family torn apart by a crash that he went to prison for is asking for too much.
A statement of defence says that the Neville-Lake family should be entitled to no more than a third of the damages they are seeking through a $25-million lawsuit.
65-year old Gary Neville and his 3 young grandchildren were killed in September 2015, when Muzzo's SUV ran through a stop sign in Vaughan and slammed into the family mini-van.
Two other family members were hurt in the crash.
Muzzo, an heir to his billionaire family's construction industry empire, had 3 times the legal limit of alcohol in his blood at the time of the crash.
Muzzo pleaded guilty to impaired driving causing death and bodily harm and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
That "lengthy" sentence is central to the case presented in Muzzo's statement of defence.
It targets $10 million in punitive damages being claimed by the Neville Lake's.
Defence attorney Boris Bytensky, who is not directly connected with this case, tells Moore in the Morning that he believes that given the existing case law, Muzzo has a solid argument to present.
He adds that if there is no settlement, the dispute could go to a civil trial.
None of the claims have been proven in court.