We already get them on the radio and the TV, come April 6th emergency alerts will be delivered right to your smart phone.
The CRTC says the wireless emergency alerts will inform Canadians about imminent dangers to life and property.
Things like an amber alert, a forrest fire, natural disaster, terrorist attack or severe weather would call for the alerts to be sent out.
They would take over your phone with a banner, an alarm sound, and a unique vibration.
You don't have to do anything to opt in, but officials with the CRTC say you can't opt out.
"Unless you have your phone off. Even if your phone is on silent, you'll be receiving a banner in both languages." says spokesperson Patricia Valladao.
But she warns that the alert will even over-ride the silent option on some phones.
Don't expect thought to get alerts about a forrst fire in Alberta, when you're walking along Queen Street in Toronto, the alerts are geo-targetted.
The CRTC will be testing the alerts on Emergency Preparedness Week, which runs from May 6th to the 12th.