It's a problem that NEWSTALK 1010 told you about first, back in March.
Ontario's "dirty little secret"; violence in school classrooms. And the problem doesn't appear to be getting any better. As a matter of fact, it's getting worse.
Now teachers with the Elementary Teachers Federation in Durham are asking the province for more money, and more bodies to keep their members, and others students safe.
Some teachers have even resorted to putting on kevlar protective gear because they are being punched, kicked, bitten and having things thrown at them.
"At least 40 of our members have requested to wear the protective gear, to protect them from the violent outbursts that they experience." says ETFO's Durham local head, David Mastin.
He's calling on the province to review its funding formula and allocate more bodies and resources to special needs programs.
Mastin does say he's getting loads of support from many school boards in the Durham Region, but right now the province isn't getting involved.
"We believe the provincial government needs to put more supports in schools, more child and youth workers, more psychologists who are professionally trained to work with these students who, in some cases, have significant mental health challenges."