When you go to that outdoor beer festival this summer, it may cost you more to get in, or to buy your booze.
Special Occasion Permits, which are mandatory for any gathering that serves alcohol outside of a licensed establishment, will rise 600%, in some cases.
Right now, the fee is $75 for a three-day permit. But after April 1st, that same permit will cost $450.
If you're not selling alcohol, the "no sale" permits will only go up by $10.
When contacted by NEWSTALK1010, a spokesperson for the AGCO says the fee hike is needed to cover the "regulatory costs associated with the administration of SOPs."
And Ray Kahnert says festivals have the ability to recoup the costs, through increased admission prices and possibly higher prices for alcohol sales.
He also says this was something that the Auditor General has suggested needed to be done.
It's been more than 15 years since the fees were adjusted.