Publisher and former Toronto Mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson doubles down on her apology over her social media remarks about Ontario PC leader Doug Ford.
Thomson on Tuesday afternoon fanned out a message via Twitter saying she's sorry to anyone she offended by suggesting that Ford is so bent on political gain that he would shave his head to channel the popularity of his cancer-stricken late brother, Rob.
Thinking about cancer and what sadness our family is going through this week as we prepare for Lorne's celebration of life this Friday. I hope the sorrow has not made me callous. I apologize to anyone I've offended today.
— Sarah Thomson (@ThomsonTO) April 10, 2018
Thomson had earlier posted an apology that included a caveat that her remarks were meant only as an observation on Ford's compaign strategy.
I just lost my brother-in-law to cancer. I apologize to anyone who took my comment on Doug Fords campaign strategy to mimic his brother as anything more than that.
— Sarah Thomson (@ThomsonTO) April 10, 2018
The message that sparked the outcry was posted on Monday, but has since been removed from Thomson's account.
Thomson was bombarded with messages from critics who accused her of crossing the line.
Doug Ford was not immediately available for comment.