A new report on the country's highest-paid C-E-Os is adding evidence to the argument that women face a ``double-pane glass ceiling'' at the top of Canada's corporate ladder.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives calculates that of the more than 12-hundred named executive officers at 249 publicly traded companies in Canada, women earn about 68 cents for every dollar made by their male counterparts.
The study says the gap closes to 86 cents when looking at the wages of women and men in senior manager roles.
The gap at the top means that, on average, men earn about 950-thousand dollars more annually than women in similar executive positions.
The author of the report says the findings, while focused on the executive level where pay is already high, point to a larger equity issue.
David Macdonald, the centre's senior economist, says he thinks it's also reflective of what's happening throughout corporate Canada and the difficulties that women face in getting a fair shake even if they do have the qualifications.