Winter might be delayed this year.
Forecasters had told us we were in for a 'regular, typical Canadian fall and winter' this year. So, what happened?
Temperatures in the double digits last week and the forecast showing more of the same next week. That doesn't sound so typical.
The issue seems to be the jet stream, according to CTV's Tom Brown.
He says it's keeping all of the cold air up in the Arctic, rather than letting it come down to the GTA.
More importantly he says that means a late start to shovelling this year.
"I'd hold off on getting those shovels, boots and snowblowers out." says Brown. "We may be a few weeks from snow yet."
But he says it's coming, and as a bonus we'll probably see a white Christmas through most of the region.
But after last year and the winter that wasn't, Brown made an ominous prediction.
"Oh, we'll pay for this." he says with a chuckle.