Yesterday, Ontario's Health Minister said the province would be getting 2.4 million doses of COVID vaccines from the federal government - 1.6 million from Pfizer and 800,000 doses from Moderna.
Christine Elliott says the numbers were calculated based on the per capita distribution.
But there seems to be some confusion on whether the feds have actually committed to that.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won't confirm any plans until there is much more certainty on the vaccine. "Right now it's too preliminary to make firm announcements."
Premier Ford, however, says senior officials with the federal government have confirmed Ontario will get 2.4 million doses. "I appreciate the's going to be trickling out and everyone wants it but, really, why shouldn't we get 40 per cent per capita like we always do? There shouldn't be any discrepancy whatsoever."
It's hoped the vaccines will be delivered between January and March.