People in Durham Region have been throwing hypodermic needles into their trash which has forced an urgent request by the Manager of Waste Operations to STOP IT!
Twice over the past six months garbaage collectors have been pricked and forced to undergo testing.
Needles must be put into a tightly sealed container labelled "SHARPS," which must then be taken to a pharmacy or regional waste facility.
Failue to do this can result in a fine or having curbside collection privileges revoked.
In the most recent case, the resident was fined $150 after the needle they used on their family pet was tossed into a garbage bag, injuring a municipal worker.
Manager of Waste Operations, Craig Bartlett, says not only did municipal staff speak with the resident but also went to the vet clinic that provided the needle to explain the importance of telling clients how to properly dispose of syringes.