Imagine being this mother, who learned her seven-year-old son was allegedly sexually assaulted by another student, only days after the alleged assault happened.
The Mississauga mother wants to know why the schooll didn't inform her immediately. Instead, she found out through the Children's Aid Society.
The alleged incident happened at Metropolitan Andre Catholic School, and the school board says the principal of the school was following the law when he reported it to the CAS.
The mother told CTV news, that the alleged incident involved an older student, who was 10, in the washroom at the school.
She claims the older student pulled down his pants and asked her son to do the same, then allegedly told her child they were going to have sex.
The Dufferen-Peel Catholic District School Board says prinicpal was made aware of the allegations on Friday, and immediately involved the Children's Aid Society.
The mom only received a call from the CAS, five days after the alleged incident happened.
According to the Board, it's proper proceedure to be hands off, when dealing with the parents, after the CAS gets involved.
She told CTV, common sense should have prevailed, and the school should have picked up the phone.
The mom was told on Thursday, that her son's case was closed because it's peer-on-peer interaction.
Peel Police say they investigated a complaint, but said it wasn't criminal because of the age of the children involved.
(with files from CTV News)