The city's auditor has released a report that is raising eyebrows over the work of private contractors hired for tree maintenance.
Work logs have been cross-referenced with GPS locations which show some service vehicles haven't been going to job sites.
The GPS trackers show the vehicles spending extended periods of time at coffee shops, plazas, and areas of where workers would allegedly water tree stumps.
Now, Toronto's mayor wants some money back.
John Tory tells Moore in the Morning he's, "damn mad about it."
"I think we should be going back and saying...this is money we paid you...for work that wasn't done and we want the money back at the least," Tory says.
The city pays private contractors $20 million a year to care for its 10 million trees.
The auditor estimates that loss-productivity equates to over $2 million and that some workers only spent 3 hours of their 8-hour shift actually working on trees.
A recommendation is now being made the city takes steps to ensure it only pays for work done on tree maintenance.
With files from Tiffany Hendsbee