MADD Canada is distancing itself from comments made by its Atlantic director related to a sexual assault case involving a taxi driver.
Anissa Aldridge, the director of MADD's Atlantic division, told CBC News that her organization should rethink advising people to take a taxi home because of a case that unfolded in Nova Scotia.
A judge acquited a taxi driver of sexually assaulting a drunk passenger, saying that someone who is impaired can consent and the Crown did not prove the woman had not consented.
Aldridge says that after this case, MADD should look at promoting other options of getting home.
The organization's national office released a statement saying they continue to support and promote taxis as a safe way to get home, and that Aldridge's comments were from the perspective of a mother with two daughters.
MADD's statement says Aldridge's comments "do not represent a change in MADD Canada’s position and policies on taxis."
Late last year, the organization ended its sponsorship and ad campaign with #TAXI, but MADD says that happened "well before and completely independent of the court case."
#TAXI is a 411 search tool that connects you with the first available cab in your area. It costs between $1.25 to $2.50 per call, depending on your wireless carrier.
The organization says it ended its relationship with #TAXI to explore other sponsorship opportunities.