It was back in March of 2016, when Ayanle Hassan Ali walked into a North York military recruitment facility, and pulled a knife.
From there, he went on the attack, punching, slashing and stabbing a corporal, before turning his attention to a sergeant, slashing the back of her neck.
Ali was arrested and after a trial, less than a year ago, was found not criminally responsible.
But the Toronto Sun is reporting, the Ontario Review Board has cleared Ali to attend college at Mohawk, across the street from the pshychiatric unit where he now lives.
The Board says the 30-year-old will be supervised at first, before eventually being allowed to attend classes on his own, sometime over the next year.
In its decision though, the Board suggested that Ali, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, "still poses a significant threat to the safety of the public" and "holds some of the same delusions that he experienced at the time of the attack."
The ruling doesn't mean he'll be free to wander the streets, and the Board says the passes will only be granted by the hospital on a gradual basis, "on a when and if basis, Mr Ali is ready to exercise them."