There are renewed calls to get College Street Bar shut down after new charges were laid against the owner and an employee.
Gavin MacMillan, the owner of College Street Bar, now faces four counts of gang sexual assault and one count of trafficking drugs.
Employee, Enzo De Jesus Carrasco, faces the same charges but also an additional four counts of sex assault.
A 24-year-old woman alleges she was drugged and attacked inside the bar the night of December 14th.
Viktoria Belle, co-founder of the Sexual Assault Action Coalition, says she has left seven messages for Ontario's Minister of Labour, Kevin Flynn, to contact her since the alleged attack became public knowledge.
"The Liberal government created Bill 132 which is an amendment to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They funneled in $1.7 million to roll out training, procedures, implementation, and monitoing to ensure all establishments have anti-violence and anti-harassment protocols and procedures. Right? I wake up this morning and not only is College Street Bar open but the government refuses to speak with us."
Belle wants to know what that money went for training and protocols for Bill 132.
"Why aren't they returning our emails? Why aren't they responsible to their people to let them know what their plans for implementing this type of training is? Why isn't transparent? You can't create legislation and have it be toothless. I doesn't work and it won't have an impact. Things like this will continue to happen and we can't allow that."
Councillor Mike Layton has answered Belle's call. She and Layton will meet at City Hall tomorrow. "Hopefully he will be able to give me a little bit of perspective. I will ask him what is the city's responsibility if this establishment is open and it's a dangerous establishment. Really, it's a dangerous establishment; they don't have these protocols."
Belle is also organizing a protest outside the bar for Friday night. "If they want to remain open then they should get the training."