Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie says she has spoken with Peel police about an article published on a local website that claims she is “helping convert Mississauga to Islam so that they can kill her son just for being gay.”
In a telephone interview with CP24 Sunday, Crombie called the article “extremely disturbing and very concerning.”
“Racism and lies like this have no place in Mississauga. They have no place in civil society,” she said.
“Statements like these when they are made against any race, any religion or any culture are reprehensible.”
In the story, the author of the article, identified as the publication’s editor Acton Michaels, also encourages parents to send their female children to school armed with weapons because he claims “Bonnie won't rest until all girls in Mississauga are victims of rich rapists.”
“I have contacted the chief of police and asked for these statements to be investigated and she confirms with me that they will be thoroughly vetted.”
Crombie added that she believes the article is an “isolated incident.”
“Mississauga… is a welcoming, tolerant, vibrant and very inclusive city,” she said.
When asked about the statements made about her son, Crombie said the author of the article “crossed a line.”
“I’m a public figure of course but I think they have crossed a line when they’ve attacked my family personally,” she said.
Michaels did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday.