Get ready for more traffic headaches in the downtown core, not only for the start of your work week, but well into the year 2020.
And cyclists won't be too happy either.
Starting Monday morning at 7 a.m, work to repair a 143 year-old watermain and other aging infrastructure on Richmond Street West is expected to begin.
The work will be done in two phases.
Phase one will involve maintenance on the stretch of Richmond Street West between Spadina and Bathurst - from Monday, July 22 until December.
Heather Seaman
According to the city, that means the usually busy roadway "will be reduced to one shared lane of vehicle and cycle traffic. Signs will be posted to assist cyclists travelling in the area of the construction work, including detour signage to King Street West."
Phase two is scheduled to begin on Richmond Street West between York Street and Spadina Avenue in December and is expected to last until the summer of 2020.
Details on the City of Toronto website indicate that "Richmond Street West will be limited to one lane of vehicle traffic and one cycle lane from York Street to John Street, and one shared lane of vehicle and cycle traffic from John Street to Spadina Avenue."
Heather Seaman
The city says, "This work will improve water service in the local area and repair some sidewalks, as well as repairing the road and cycle track."
The work will take place from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays as required.
With files from the City of Toronto