A bill to strengthen consumer protection rules around home warranties, ticket sales, real estate practices and travel services in Ontario may become law today.
The legislation is set for final debate today, and if it goes to a third reading vote, the majority Liberal government is expected to pass it.
Changes to ticket selling laws include banning so-called scalper bots, which buy a large number of tickets online for an event then resell them at a large profit.
It would also ban tickets from being resold at more than 50 per cent of the face value and make it illegal to knowingly resell tickets that were purchased by bots.
Ticket sellers would also have to display an itemized list of all fees, taxes and service charges, and resellers would have to disclose the face value of the ticket.
But Ticketmaster has warned that the legislation puts companies that are playing by the rules at a disadvantage, and ticket resale site StubHub says capping ticket resale prices artificially controls a global market and will lead to unintended consequences.