Peel Regional Police are getting the ball rolling for body-worn cameras.
Today, the police services board provided direction to the chief to bring forward a reportĀ at a metting later this month with options for the use of the cameras.
The board held an emergency meeting to discuss the best ways to preserve public trust, while still being able to do their jobs effectively. This comes as a response to current tensions between police and racialized Canadians and Americans in recent weeks.
"The Police Services Board and Peel Regional Police have received comments and requests for body worn cameras from members of the community and elected officials in Peel. As a Board, we welcome opportunities to strengthen police accountability while ensuring greater community safety and well-being," said Chair Ron Chatha. "Today's decision will ensure the Board and the Chief will collaborate on the implementation of body worn cameras with the aim of making a decision at our next Board meeting on June 26th."
The report will highlight operational requirements for the use of the cameras, budget impacts, feedback from the community and a timeline for implementation.