Toronto Police are looking for a man who appears to have walked away from CAMh, after being found not criminally responsible for assaults in 2013 and 2012.
44-year-old Troy Warner was last seen on Sunday evening near Queen and Ossington, and police have called him and elopee, which means he's absent without leave from a psychiatric facility.
Back in 2012, he was found not criminally responsible for three charges of assault with a weapon and one charge of assaulting an peace officer.
Then, a little more than a year later, he was found not criminally responsible again for three counts of assault.
Police say he is described as 5'8", 150 lbs., long dark brown hair, receding on top with a beard. He was last seen wearing a long black coat, gray track pants, gray sneakers, and he was carrying a shoulder bag.
If you spot him, you're advised to not approach him, and instead call 9-1-1.
While police wouldn't say there's a risk that Warner will reoffend, but they do say there is a concern "if someone goes missing."
Toronto Police