Two-thirds (64%) of Torontonians believe immigration has had a positive impact on their community. Those most likely to hold this view are young (76%), are university graduates (70%) and women (68%). Those most likely to support this view are from the Old City of Toronto/Downtown (80%), followed by those in York/East York (68%), North York (64%), Scarborough (58%) and it Etobicoke (51%).
One-third (36%) disagree immigration has had a positive impact on their community and those most likely to hold this view are men (39%), those who are older (43% 55+), and those who are lower educated (49%). Geographically, those least likely to embrace this view are from Etobicoke (49%) followed by those from Scarborough (42%), North York (36%), York/East York (32%) and the Old City of Toronto/Downtown (20%) are.
A majority (56%) believe immigration has placed too much pressure on their community public services (for example health, transport, and educational services). This view is most contrast to buy older Torontonians (62% aged 55+), those who are lower educated (73%), those who own their own residence (59%) and those who are regular users of the TTC (50%). Those who are most likely to take this point of view reside in Etobicoke (67%) followed by those in Scarborough (59%) and North York (58%), York/East York (51%) and Old City of Toronto/Downtown (44%).
A total of 44% disagree with this view with those most likely being younger (55% aged 18 – 34), higher educated (48%), those who rent their own residence (48%) and those who regularly take the TTC (50%). Geographically, will these Torontonians are most likely to come from old city of Toronto/downtown (56%), York/East York (49%), North York (42%), Scarborough (41%) and Etobicoke (33%).
Two-thirds (63%) of Torontonians disagree immigration is causing their community change in ways they don’t like and are most likely to be women (67%) versus men (58%), younger (69% aged 18 – 34), higher educated (66%) and regularly take the TTC (71%). They are also most likely to come from the old city of Toronto/downtown (78%) followed by those in York/East York (70%), North York (61%), Etobicoke (57%) and Scarborough (48%).
For the one-third (37%) of Torontonians who believe immigration is causing their community to change in ways they don’t like, they are most likely to be men (42%) versus women (33%) and lower educated (51%). These Torontonians are most likely to come from Scarborough (52%) followed by Etobicoke (43%), North York (39%), York/East York (30%) and Old City of Toronto/Downtown.