The free ride is ending at TTC Parking lots on the new subway extension.
Starting on April 23rd, you'll have to pay to park near stations like Highway 407, Finch West and Pioneer Village stations.
The free parking was offered as a courtesy to get customers familiar with the available options.
As of Monday, you'll have to pay $7 a day from 5 in the morning, until 2 in the morning. If you arrive after 3 in the afternoon, you'll only have to pay $2. Parking is free on holidays and weekends.
Spokesperson Stuart Green says the charges are comparable to other, newer lots on the TTC, like the new lot at Yorkdale.
"We're still pretty good value for your money, while still recovering our costs as well." says Green.
However, that $7 is not set in stone and it could change if the need arises.