The Toronto District School Board has taken the step to expunge discretionary suspensions for students who are in Kindergarten to Grade three.
Those suspension actually go into a student's record and follow them through their academic career.
Mandatory suspensions for things like being drunk, threatening bodily harm or if a student has drugs on them, will still be on their permanent record.
The discretionary suspension is generally for things like talking back, wilful destruction of property, or use of profane language. Under those circumstances, it's up to the teacher or the principal to decide on a suspension.
TDSB trustees also directed staff to identify "systemic work that can be done to continue the Board's commitment to addressing bias and discrimination, which may place certain groups of students at a disadvantage based on student discipline records."
This decision follows an announcement by the Ontario Government earlier this year, that discretionary suspensions of students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 would no longer be permitted.
Serious offences would still be subject to mandatory suspensions for all grade levels.