The number of people who have died at one long-term care home in Scarborough, is now up to 22.
Toronto Public Health says Seven Oaks, a long-term care home near Ellesmere and Neilson, has 82 cases among the 249 residents.
There have been 13 staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 as well.
"We know that COVID-19 continues to circulate in Toronto with approximately 30% of cases in Toronto a result of community spread. This is why it is so important for as many of us as possible to stay home. This is the only way we will reduce the spread of this virus," says Dr. Elizabeth Rea, Associate Medical Officer of Health.
And it appears health officials are still taking steps to curb the spread of the virus within the home. As a matter of fact, the measures were put in place several week ago.
They include, initiating twice a day screening of residents and staff to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and identify new infections as early as possible, enhancing cleaning particularly for frequently touched surfaces.
But Dr. Rea says one of the earliest measues, may have been one of the hardest.
"That was stopping family and friends from visiting their loved ones in long-term care homes. This was a critical step to reducing the possibility of visitors inadvertently bringing the virus into these settings -as unfortunately has happened in some of our long-term care homes," says Dr. Rea.
According to public health officials, the rate of new infections at the home is starting to slow, which indicates the measures they have put in place, are working.