There's been many mental health professionals address the issue of the strain this pandemic has caused.
For many, it's significant. And, for some, it's too much to handle.
On Monday, Metrolinx reported that someone had been struck and killed by a train near the Danforth station.
What's even more shocking, is that it's not the first time in recent days this has happened. As a matter of fact, GO train officials say four people in the last five days have been struck by a train.
In all but one case, those people have lost their lives.
"We don't seem to have patterns," says Anne Marie Aikins from Metrolinx. "It is certainly saddening beyond belief, that we've had this many in such a short amount of time."
Aikins says the incidents have happened all over their 500 kms of track, and she feels for not only the families of the vitcims, but others who are affected as well.
"I also can't imagine what our crew, what our transit safety on site, our customers are all feeling in this moment. It's a pretty tough thing to go through," says Aikins.
She doesn't have the magic answers that would make the problem go away. But, they are trying to let people know that there is help out there, and they don't have to go alone.
"We want to make sure that people know where they can reach out for help, and in Ontario, there's a group called ConnexOntario, and their number is 1-866-531-2600."