Toronto's newest park opened Saturday in the Gerrard street and Broadview Avenue area.
Hubbard Park is named after William Peyton Hubbard, Toronto's first black councillor elected in 1894 who later went on to serve as acting mayor.
Current Mayor John Tory was at the opening. He says Hubbard leaves a lasting legacy and represents the goals Toronto wants to reach as an inclusive city.
"Here we are more than 100 years later and we still have more people then we would like to admit who are not feeling included, who don't have that sense of hope, who don't have that sense of being whatever they want to be in our city. There are poems and there are statements we make about Canadian values, and they are true in the sense that we believe these things. But I think we have a lot more work together to do as a community and I certainly accept my share of that responsibility as the elected leader of the city to make sure that what we can do is repeat the story of William Hubbard over and over and over again, especially in a city like this."
The name was picked by Torontonians in an online competition when the site was being redeveloped in 2014.