Is it a warning that Winter is coming?
If you're driving eastbound on the 401 through Milton you'll notice something's a little different.
The James Snow Parkway sign has been changed to Jon Snow Parkway by an apparent Game of Thrones fan.
When Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca first saw photos of the green highway sign circulating on social media he thought it was just photoshopped. "Obviously with Game of Thrones being back in circulation, there's a lot of excitement about that. But, people should not be defacing our highway signs any which way or form."
The ministry is now figuring out the best way to correct it. "I don't know what was used to put the name of Jon Snow up there. I don't know if it was an adhesive decal, I don't know if it was paint. So, I don't know what the cost will be," he adds.
"People should not be defacing our highway signs regardless of how enthusiastic they are for Game of Thrones or any other television show," Del Duca reminds.
The culprit remains a mystery.