Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be the third foreign leader to visit the White House when he meets U.S. President Donald Trump Monday.
Trudeau says he sees eye-to-eye with Trump when it comes to the economy and creating jobs for the middle class, and will handle any disagreements with the president respectfully.
Trudeau says he expects to have a ``good working'' relationship with Trump.
NEWSTALK1010 political analyst Scott Reid says that will be important when dealing with him.
"This is a guy on the one hand, he only respects strength, we've seen that over and over again. Oh but on the other hand, don't put him in a position where he feels threatened or insecure because then he'll lash out and make the entire country pay the penalty."
The two leaders are expected to discuss jobs, the middle class and the flow of goods and people across the border.
Trudeau has avoided directly commenting on Trump's recent executive order banning immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries
The president has already met with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.