A group of protestors plan to show up outside the Mayor's condo again Tuesday to demand action to stop residential evictions.
The group is calling on the mayor to do something about evictions in Toronto and a provincial bill that they say would make it easier for landlords to evict tenants.
Bill 184 allows landlords to propose rent repayment plans to tenants, without going through the Landlord Tenant Board.
"What we're telling the mayor to do is use the powers that he does have," protestor Samuel Nithiananthan told Moore in the Morning. "Our legal experts keep on telling us he has the power to do it. It might have not been done before but he does have the power to do it."
On NEWSTALK 1010's The Rush on Monday, Tory said the protests outside his home don't bother him, except in one respect. He worries about the other people who live in the building.
"They have their lives adversely affected...This group tried to storm their way into our building the last time they were here and that caused a complete chaotic scene," Tory said. "That's not fair to them."
In response to the concerns Nithiananthan said, "we're not there to annoy them or cause them disturbances. Our neighbours are terrified that in a few weeks when the Landlord Tenant Board opens there's going to be mass evictions."
The group demonstrated outside Tory's condo building on July 6th.
They also walked on stage as Tory was giving a speech at a ground breaking event last week.
In a statement following the event Tory said, "From the start of the pandemic, I have advocated on behalf of tenants in this city to other levels of government on the issue of evictions and rent relief. I have successfully pushed for a provincial ban on evictions and publicly urged landlords to provide rent relief to tenants who need it."
He also said, "I am willing to work with anyone who wants to constructively work with him to help the residents of Toronto. I repeatedly offered today to meet with the protesters after the announcement to hear their concerns but they chose to continue their public protest instead and not let the event proceed."
In a news release, the protest group suggested they have no intention of backing down.
"If the Mayor fails to intervene against evictions, we are prepared to turn our neighbourhoods into ground zero for the fight to end those hardships," Nithiananthan said.
Tuesday's protest is planned for 1 p.m.