A music teacher in Toronto's Catholic school board has been charged by the Ministry of Labour for failing to wear a mask.
A spokesperson for the Toronto Catholic District School Board says, "The board takes seriously the safety and well-being of all staff and students. The TCDSB is conducting an investigation of this matter. The staff member is currently on a leave pending outcome of the investigation."
According to the Toronto Star, this same teacher's COVID-19 diagnosis earlier this month led to the week long shutdown of St. Charles Catholic School.
A spokesperson for the Labour Minister said inspectors did a site visit at the school on October 23rd after a complaint was made.
The teacher is due before a justice of the peace in February and could face a fine of up to $1000.
This teacher is an itinerant music teacher, that is, a teacher who moves around between different schools and classrooms.
St. Charles was closed on October 5th after they tested positive.
Sources speaking to the Star say the teacher was accused of failing to self-screen, going to work with symptoms and not self-isolating while sick.
It's not clear whether the teacher is still in the classroom.