On his show Sunday afternoon, NEWSTALK1010'S Desmond Cole confirmed he will not be running for mayor of Toronto in October 2018.
"I will not be running for office this year - not for the mayor's office and not for any other office," he said. "But I want to say thank you."
"I'm one of the most blessed people in this city and I know it, and the experience of having people come up to me day after day after day to talk about their concerns, to talk about what they want to see in the city of Toronto, and how we could work together on that - it's been a deep, deep honour and privilege for me."
In NEWSTALK1010'S exclusive "The Pulse of Toronto" poll in fall 2017, 30 per cent of Torontonians said they would give Cole consideration to be elected mayor in the next municipal election.
Among those who said they were most likely to consider putting him at the helm of the city's government, 38 per cent lived in downtown Toronto - or the old city of Toronto, 34 per cent lived in York or East York, 28 per cent lived in North York, 26 per cent in Scarborough and 25 per cent in Etobicoke.
Cole was given highest consideration in the 18-34 age group at 46 per cent, followed by those with children at 40 per cent, those more likely to take the TTC at 38 per cent, and employed individuals who are renting at 36 per cent.
The poll also found that four per cent of Torontonians would give Cole great consideration should he be on the ballot. However, 39 per cent responded that they would not ever consider him to be Toronto's next mayor.