Residents in a small town northwest of Edmonton say bright pink water coming out of their taps was a bit of a shock.
Vicki Veldhuyzen Van Zanten of Onoway says she got a call from a neighbour asking if her water was pink.
It wasn't, but a short time later her daughter called her from the bathroom to see purple water coming out of the taps.
It later turned a bright pink, and Veldhuyzen Van Zanten says she posted on a town Facebook page and found hundreds of others were experiencing the same thing.
Onoway Mayor Dale Krasnow posted a message Tuesday on the website saying the public is safe and was not at any risk.
He says the town was doing its weekly wash of filters at the water treatment plant using potassium permanganate, which turns water pink when used in large quantities.
Erin Lacey/Facebook
Erin Lacey/Facebook