More could be learned Tuesday about the suspect and the charges he's facing in Monday's deadly rampage on Yonge Street
25 year-old Alek Minassian is scheduled to appear inside a courthouse on Finch Ave in Toronto.
He's alleged to have been behind the wheel of a white rental van used as a weapon along a 16 block stretch of Yonge yesterday afternoon
10 people were killed and 15 were hurt. The last update from officials and Sunnybrook listed 5 in critical.
At this point the attack motive remains unclear, but police believe it appears deliberate.
According to police Minassian has no known links to terror groups and he was not on any watch list.
He was also not known to Toronto Police.
An online profile lists Alek Menassian as a student of Seneca College from 2011-2018.
Those that knew him describe him as a quiet person who kept to himself. Friends say he was a computer wiz.
NEWSTALK 1010 has exclusive details about a message Minassian sent to some of this classmates .
One of them tells Moore in the Morning, on April 19th Minassian wrote in a group chat:
"Finally finished college. F*** you all and good riddance."
Classmates insist that Alex Minassian had no obvious political or religious affiliation
According to law enforcement sources talking to the New York Post
Police are investigating a Facebook posting that appears to (but is not confirmed) have been made by Alek Minassian.
If it's legitimate he appears to describes himself as a person looking for revenge on society because of his own struggles with the opposite sex
NBC reports that Minassian had talked about a shooting in California several years ago.
The shooter there was motivated by his romantic frustration and killed 6 people
Police and security officials have not confirmed whether or not this could be a possible motive for the attack on Yonge Street.