How many times have you and your co-workers done something and thought 'if this ever comes out....'
For Metrolinx, it did come out.
A picture leaked out on twitter, showing an unofficial poll which is believed to be in a Metrolinx building in the city.
The tweet has since been removed, but Metrolinx is in damage control.
"That is not reflective of how Metrolinx feels about the TTC, they are our partner." says spokesperson Anne-Marie Aikins.
She says they are going building to building to make sure the white board has been taken down and those responsible counselled.
Aikins stopped short of saying they would be fired.
The poll asks "How would you describe the TTC?"
The options for answers include: Cesspool, Terrible, I like dirty subways, It's awesome considering they have no $.
There was also a write-in vote of 'Hangin' with the 'great unwashed' just builds a strong immune system'.
For the record, Cesspool was the only option with two votes.
Brad Ross from the TTC says they are disappointed.
"However, Metrolinx have apologized, we have accepted their apology and we're moving on."