Ontario Green Party leader - and the first provincial Green to become an MP - Mike Schreiner says he's happy to work with any other party that sees things from his point of view.
"I'm going to Queen's Park to cooperate with any party who wants to move forward an agenda that will be about creating jobs, and using that prosperity to invest in better public services in a fiscally responsible way," Schreiner told NEWSTALK1010's Mark Towhey on the Best Show Ever, Sunday afternoon.
But is joining hands with the Liberals - and giving them one more seat to bump them up to official party status - something he's thinking about?
"It's too early to say because we haven't had formal conversations with the Liberals on that," he said. "I'm open to having that conversation, but that's probably a conversation that's going to happen in the next couple of days, so I can't speculate at this point."
Later, he tweeted the following:
To be very clear, I am a Green MPP and will not be part of a coalition with another party. I am open to cooperation with any party in the Legislature. Cooperation not does equal "joining forces." I am reaching out to all parties at Queen’s Park this week. #onpoli #onelxn
— Mike Schreiner (@MikeSchreiner) June 10, 2018
Schreiner also said he's already reached out to Premier-designate Doug Ford to inform him of the importance of creating jobs within the clean economy - including clean innovation, advanced manufacturing, low carbon products and services, and clean energy - as it's currently the number one sector for job growth on a global scale.
He also said the Greens are more than just a fringe party, and should be taken seriously.
"I've talked about job creation, I've talked about improving our democracy," he said. "We're the one political party that's actually talking about how we can reform our health care system to improve care for people, and also make it financially sustainable."
He said the Green Party was the only party throughout the election campaign that actually discussed how they would pay for things.